The challenges of the future of agriculture, technical aspects of the development of biopesticides, patents... are just some of the issues that have been discussed in the Conference on "Crops and Chemicals Europe" organized every year for Life Sciences in Berlin.
This is one of the most important worldwide event in the area of the formulated of PPP (Plan Protection Products). In the same one, the multinationals most distinguished from the sector meet, experts of universities, registered consultancies, GLP laboratories and multinational of the surfactants sector… All of them with the same aim: to put jointly the innovations that in the area of the formulation of biopesticides have been generated every year.
This time aspects have been treated as trends in world agriculture, evolution of biopesticides, new formulations, sector legislation, "Green Solvents", environmental risks...
SEIPASA takes part in this major event to stay ahead of new international research lines in the field of biopesticides. In addition in previous meetings, the results have been very positive because "we contacted other companies with whom we have shared experiences or new suppliers of raw materials, which we are working at present," said the President of SEIPASA, Pedro Peleato.
SEIPASA studies the new trends in the agriculture industry worldwide in the Conference on "Crops and Chemicals Europe" in Berlin
February 21, 2013