Seipasa, the Spanish company with worldwide presence, specialised in the development and formulation of bioinsecticides, biofungicides and biostimulants, has received the 2020 National Innovation Award in the category of small and medium enterprises.
The jury of this prestigious award, presented by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, acknowledged Seipasa's firm commitment to innovation "by generating a business model based on natural technology to develop effective solutions for agriculture in a traditional and strongly regulated sector”.
The jury's decision also highlights the company's efforts to incorporate innovative business management models that enable it to optimise the return on its high, sustained R+D+I investments".
Seipasa's CEO, Pedro Peleato, expressed his delight at the news of the award, which he sees as a firm backing for the company's commitment to R+D+I. "Receiving this award is a source of great pride because it represents a tangible recognition of Seipasa's decisive role and its commitment to innovation over the past 20 years. This is an award to all the team, to a highly valuable group of professionals who believe in a business idea and have worked tirelessly to further it and enhance it", Pedro Peleato added.
"22 years ago, we had a vision: to anticipate the change and transformation that the agricultural industry is undergoing at present. We developed a model that seeks to use the most efficient active substances in Nature, and we applied the most advanced technologies to turn them into effective solutions for combating pests and diseases affecting crops. Today it may seem like a constant in the marketplace but two decades ago we were pioneers in opening up this path. For this reason, for us, innovation has always been a synonym of progress even though for a long time it meant going against the current", Seipasa's CEO emphasised.
The National Innovation Award is an acknowledgment of people and organisations who have made innovation an essential element in the development of their professional strategy and business growth.
About Seipasa
Seipasa is a pioneering Spanish company in biotechnology applied to agriculture. It designs, registers, markets and sells solutions of botanical and microbiological origin for crop protection, biostimulation and nutrition worldwide. The company was founded in 1998, based on a business vision of anticipating the changes and transformation that the agricultural industry is undergoing today. 22 years on, Seipasa has spearheaded the model of Natural Technology® based on which it develops high technological value solutions aligned with sustainability and applied in the most demanding agricultural systems in the world. Its products are exported to 25 countries worldwide.