The Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) considers the Life+ Zero Residues project, which SEIPASA participates in, a success. This has been reflected in the document on the Spanish Bioeconomy Strategy (SBS), a text that claims to be the basis for boosting economic activity and improving the competitiveness and sustainability of the agriculture, fishing, aquaculture, food and forestry sector, with the efficient and sustainable use of the products, by-products and waste that they generate.
To this end, the Ministry considers it essential to promote the development and application of technologies generated through collaboration between technology and research centres and Spanish companies.
In this kind of work guide, MINECO highlighted the Life+Zero Residues project as a success and a model to follow, for the production of stone fruit without residues (LIFE12 ENV / ES / 000902: LIFE Zero Residues: towards a sustainable production and supply chain for stone fruit).This is an ambitious initiative in the European area in which SEIPASA, as a leading company in the manufacture of agricultural natural treatments free of residues, is fully involved. Their products are the basis for controlling pests and diseases in crops chosen to be part of this major project in which nine partners from Spain and the Netherlands participate.
The keys to the Life+ Zero Residues Project
The Ministry calls the Life + Zero Residues Project a Success Story
December 2, 2015