TERRASEI™ LINE is SEIPASA’s solution to the nutritional needs of crops in different phenological stages, because it combines the mineral nutrition with the energetic contribution and the soils structuration properties due to the organic fertilization.
Besides the relation macronutrients-organic matter, the products of TERRASEI™ LINE contain a percentage of amino acids which mean a plus of energy for crops, that allows the plant to use metabolic resources in primary physiological functions. Because of history and presence on the market, different formulations of TERRASEI™ LINE are one of the most important allies in the plant nutrition. The proper combination of organic and mineral components determines the characteristics of TERRASEI™ LINE; different NPK relations adapt to the needs of crops in their different phenological stages. The organic fraction improves physicochemical properties of agricultural soils and produces the biological activation of the rhizosphere.
- Optimizes crop yields.
- Improves crop quality: precocity, size, smoothness and ripening.
- Nutritionally balanced plantations.
- Contribution of amino acids, fulvic acids and organic matter.
The MULTISEI™ LINE includes our liquid organic fertilizer par excellence. This is a range of products that regenerate soil, because in addition to nurture, improve the structure, composition and microbial activity. The contribution of organic matter recover soil, balancing its content.
- Improve macro and micronutrients absorption.
- Increase the cation exchange capacity and the storage of nutrients in the soil.
- Activate nutrient mineralization processes.
- Contribute to the formation of soil aggregates that improve soil friability, facilitating farming, avoiding waterlogging and root suffocation.
- MULTISEI™, MULTISEI™ K and MULTISEI™ Mg are an important source of macro and micronutrients, especially relevant in intensive crops, nurseries and seedbeds.
- Improve the efficiency of chemical fertilizers.
- The liquid formulation is an advantage over the organic solids, because reach the main area of root uptake.
- MULTISEI™, MULTISEI™ K and MULTISEI™ Mg contain in their formulation raw materials of plant origin with a high degree of refinement, that avoid precipitation problems and seals in drip irrigation systems.
- Using BIOSEI™ and FERROSEI® together or other microelements improve considerably their availability and favor their root absorption.
- Enhance SEILAND®’s root protective action providing a dynamic substrate, rich in organic matter.
When the crop´s nutritional demand exceeds its capacity of nutrient absorption through the root system, plant nutrition deficiencies occur, which can lead to losses of both quality and yield
There are many reasons for a reduced nutrient uptake by the plant such as dry or waterlogged soils, extreme pH, calcareous soils, antagonism due to the excess of other elements or simply because of the absence of some microelements. Furthermore, many crops suffer from critical periods such as flowering, fruit setting or ripening during which nutrient deficiencies are a frequent problem. The complexing and chelating agents used in the SEIPAFOL® LINE contain micronutrients within their chemical structure, protecting them and preventing changes in the oxidation state or precipitation in the form of oxides or hydroxides in the soil, thus keeping them available for plant absorption. SEIPASA offers the new SEIPAFOL® LINE, which includes a complete range of liquid deficiency correctors, specially designed for foliar applications in all crops. The main features and advantages of the SEIPAFOL® LINE are listed below:
- The SEIPAFOL® LINE guarantees efficiency, reliability and profitability.
- Maximizes quality and production.
- Activation of the enzymatic processes which stimulate plant growth and its ability to assimilate other nutrients.
- Nutritional elements which are quickly assimilated by the plant, obtaining a response a few days after the application.
- The efficiency rate is about 95%, more than twice of root application. Optimization of the application.
- Ideal chelating, complexing and adjuvants agents that maximize the penetration and increase the contact surface.
- High solubility and purity. Runoff or volatilization losses are avoided.
This group includes a range of products to correct nutrient deficiencies in crops. They are references created from different and studied combinations of trace elements or micronutrients.
Iron is a vital element for crops. Despite being the fourth most abundant element in the earth's crust, iron is not always found in an assimilable form by plants. This is due to many factors among which are the effect of soil pH, the mineral components of soil or the limestone and bicarbonate content of soil.
The lack of iron in plants is called ferric chlorosis and the use of iron chelates is essential to cover this deficiency. The iron chelates of Seipasa are developed from Akzo Nobel technology to transform iron into an assimilable element by plants. In addition to rapid assimilation, Seipasa’s iron chelates are easy to handle and provide wide stability and a high degree of solubility in water.